
مقابلة مع مهندس : الياس خنصر

مقابلة مع مهندس : الياس خنصر من اهم المهندسين فى العالم فى التكنولوجيا التخيلية ولة عدة كورسات تعليمية لشرح منتجات شركات  VMware – Citrix – VMware from CBT and TrainSignal linked-in 1-      هل يمكنك ان تعرفنا بنفسك ؟ Elias Khnaser, originally from Lebanon 2-      نريد ان نعرف متى بدءت دخول عالم ال IT  ولماذا […]



مقابلة مع مهندس : الياس خنصر
من اهم المهندسين فى العالم فى التكنولوجيا التخيلية
ولة عدة كورسات تعليمية لشرح منتجات شركات  VMware – Citrix – VMware
from CBT and TrainSignal
1-      هل يمكنك ان تعرفنا بنفسك ؟
Elias Khnaser, originally from Lebanon
2-      نريد ان نعرف متى بدءت دخول عالم ال IT  ولماذا دخلت هذا التخصص بالذات؟
I started in IT in 1998. I have always loved computers and owned a computer early on in my life and it just grew on me, I started fixing my family and friends computers and soon realized I know more than most and it just turned into a career. I majored in Business Marketing in college but I never practiced it a day in my life


3-      ما هى اول وظيفه عملت بها فى مجال ال IT؟
My first job was a consultant; I worked on a Windows NT Workstation rollout
4-      ما هو دورك الوظيفى الحالى ؟
Today I am the CTO for Sigma Solutions, a 250 million dollar systems integrator
5-      هل يوجد كورس جديد لحضرتك سوف يصدر قريبا؟
Yes, I am working on Train Signal Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012
6-      هل يمكن ان تعطينا نبذة عن تكنولوجيا ال VT  من وجهة نظرك ؟
VT is the art of separating hardware resources from the operating system that gets installed traditionally on top of them. It also allows for multiple, isolated instances to run on the same underutilized resources there gaining better efficiency on the same hardware
7-      هي يمكن ان تكلمننا عن تطور هذة التكنولوجيا من بدايتها؟
VT has evolved tremendously from its humble beginnings, it was first used for test and dev. use cases, it then slowly started to progress to production system in the form of file servers and web servers. Today, there are hardly any use cases that are not good candidates for VT. We are able to virtualize heavy IO systems like Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, Oracle and others without any challenges
8-      ما هوا مستقبل هذة التكنولوجيا على المدى القريب والبعيد؟
I think organization will continue to virtualize and will strive for more virtualization in the short term, most organizations are at about 50 – 60% virtualized and I think everyone is trying to be at around 80 or 90%. In the long term, I believe all workloads will be virtual workloads which will pave the way for cloud computing
9-      هل يمكن ان تعرفنا بشكل مبسط بتكنولوجيا ال Cloud Computing  ومستقبلها وتاثيرها علينا ؟
Cloud computing is very simply a highly virtualized and highly automated and orchestrated datacenter with capabilities like Self-service portal and charge-backs and show-backs, but the building block for cloud computing is virtualization
10-   ما هى الشركات الرئيسة والمتحكمة فى VT  برائيك ؟
VT is primarily controlled by VMware, Citrix, Microsoft and Red Hat and to some extent Oracle
11-   ما هوا تقييمك فى مستوى استخدام هذة التكنولوجيا فى الشرق الاوسط و برايك ما هى اسباب تاخرنا فى استخدام هذة التكنولوجيا الى الان؟
I find that simply from my training DVD sales perspective that the Middle East is definitely catching up, we sell a lot to the Middle East and I am very proud of that. I think, however, that in our nature we are a bit skeptical and slow to adopt things. VT takes a mid shift from the norm, from what we have been used to for a while, but I definitely think e are on the right track
12-   ما هى اهم المنتجات عند شركة VMware  Citrix &؟
VMware’s flagship products are vSphere of course, then View, then vCloud Directory and vCenter Operations. VMware also has many really great new products like Horizon, Octopus and others. Citrix also has some very good products like XenApp, XenDesktop, CloudStack, ShareFile, NetScaler and others…. Great companies, great products


13-   ما هى الخطط المستقبلية ل VMware  فى تطوير ال  VT؟
1-      VMware will continue to develop VT especially in the areas of cloud computing, for example, you will see a bigger push towards automation and orchestration, vCloud Director will see more features and the recent acquisition of DynamicOps proves that. You will also see VMware spend significant amount of resources developing Nicira, a recent acquisition it made to reinforce the virtual networking capabilities and extend towards cloud computing
14-   ما رايك فى الحلول الجديدة لشركة مايكروسوفت الخاص ب System Center 2012 and Hyper-V v3 . هل اصبحت منافس قوى لشركة VMware ؟
Microsoft Hyper-V 3 and SCCM 2012 are great products and I think for the first time there is a viable competitor to VMware vSphere, I believe Microsoft is on the right track with this technology
15-   ماذا تنصح كل شخص يريد ان يبدا فى تكنولوجيا VT  كيف يبدا؟
VT is a great technology, it is the future so I definitely recommend that people study it, but in order to understand VT, you must have a good understanding of network infrastructure, you must have a good understanding of how servers work and why VT is so important, so I would start with the basics, A+ is good, and the basic certifications are great base, but then taking training courses for things like vSphere are a great way to jumpstart your career. Don’t forget things like DNS, DHCP, Active Directory and basic networking; these are crucial essentials for understanding VT

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